Varna citizens protest against anti-family laws

On September 7 (Saturday) from 12:00 noon, Varna residents will embark on a protest march from the Peak to the Norwegian Consulate in the city against anti-family laws, which take effect from January 1, 2020.

In addition to the maritime capital, there will be protests in 14 cities across the country, as well as in 12 countries, including Norway, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Serbia, Italy, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada and more.

Although the 2019-2030 Child Strategy has been halted, on 01.01.2020 laws that threaten the Bulgarian family enter into force, the organizers wrote. According to future laws, a child can be seized from his or her parents only by telephone signal: 116 111 from each one.

Again on alert, a social worker can also enter the home without a court order, and compile a social report with a wealth of personal information and search the home. Based on his judgment, parental competence will be assessed, such as issuing mandatory prescriptions for how to look after a child.

Under future laws, "social service providers", including those with foreign funding, will be able to select and control foster families, give opinions to the court as to whether the parents are fit, to receive personal information from doctors and institutions, etc. In addition, each child may be considered at risk if he or she has one parent, lives in insufficient living space and with insufficient income, is absent from school, the family is large, and more.

"We, over 140,000 Bulgarian parents and members of the National Non-Child Strategy Group 2019-2030, are against the introduction of these anti-family laws, which follow the principles of the Norwegian Bernevernet Office responsible for taking hundreds of Norwegian and foreign children from their parents. As citizens of this country we want the Constitution to be observed and we protest when it is not done! We do not want the rights of children not de facto enshrined in the Constitution to be introduced, much less "social service providers ", not parents and family to monitor their compliance, "reads the organizers' appeal.


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